Privacy Policy for Rayyanh Service Providers

For any inquires please contact us at: [email protected]


Welcome to Rayyanh, a digital marketplace designed to help service providers expand their reach and effectively manage their offerings. These Terms and Conditions govern service providers' use of the Rayyanh app and website.

Acceptance of Terms

By offering services on Rayyanh, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree, you must not offer services on the platform.


Service providers must be at least 18 years old and possess the necessary qualifications, licenses, or permissions required to provide their services.

Account Registration

Service providers are required to register and create an account on Rayyanh. Accurate and complete information about your services, qualifications, and availability must be provided.

Conduct and Compliance

Service providers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in Saudi Arabia, and these Terms. Providers are expected to engage with users professionally and respectfully.

Offering Services

You are responsible for the services you offer on Rayyanh, including the accuracy of descriptions, pricing, and the quality of the services provided.

Ratings and Feedback

Service providers should strive for excellence to maintain high ratings. Negative feedback should be addressed professionally and constructively.


Service providers agree to accept payments for services rendered through Rayyanh's approved payment systems. Fees and charges applicable to service providers will be outlined by Rayyanh.


Rayyanh reserves the right to suspend or terminate a service provider's account for violating these Terms and Conditions.

Changes to Terms

Rayyanh may modify these Terms at any time. Continued use of the platform after changes indicates your acceptance of the new Terms.